Thursday, June 23, 2011

Supercordas, um argentino e 2 sacolas de supermercado.

Se tem uma coisa na qual eu acredito é a teoria das supercordas. Eu tô lá, anos atrás me vendo sozinha na Barnes&Noble comprando livros que eu nem tinha muita vontade de ler e que ainda custaram caro pra depois mandar de volta pro Brasil em caixas com o resto dos meus badulaques que ficou perdido em algum canto entre a casa do meu pai e do meu irmão. Eu tô lá nesse exato momento, experimentando um rímel novo no Walgreens, passando no drive-thru do KFC, dirigindo meu Neon vermelho e podrão comprado de um argentino que mentiu nos documentos o ano de fabricação do carro. Tô lá, saindo do supermercado com nada de realmente saudável nas sacolas, tipo pasta de amendoim, ginger ale diet, uns cereais matinais com pedacinhos de marshmellow, uma coisa deliciosa que chamava Triscuit e muito cream cheese. Tô ali minding my own business, quando me vejo aqui, anos depois, mas no mesmo instante, saindo do supermercado, com 2 sacolas cheias de leite e fraldas e biscoitinhos e nutella e umas coisas saudáveis e sprite diet. Eu olho pra mim do outro lado da corda do meu tempo passando: o que é a realidade? Eu sou um fantasma agora, vindo lá do passado mas ao mesmo tempo já tinha assombrado a mim mesma, vindo do futuro, com sacolas num braço e filhos no outro e cabelo desgrenhado e os quilos a mais (inevitáveis?).
Às vezes juro que tenho medo de acordar do lado de lá como num filme em que o personagem central tem a chance de ver como seria a vida dele se tivesse mudado alguns detalhes aqui e ali. Mas de repente percebo que eu estou aqui e ali, simultaneamente do lado de cá e de lá. O problema é que tem vezes que não me reconheço e me deixo passar despercebida nesse choque de realidades paralelas. Eu não me vejo, eu vejo outra que não sei mais quem era ou então nunca mais saberei. Quem será que sou eu?


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Anonymous said...

Su Yalei this: Chase after graceful couplet hard winning all up of Ying Chao of Red Army of graceful city Lajun
Guide in what amount to Gelishen below, Liverpudlianrebound impetus is apparent. NeverthelessSu Yalei thisStill think, this Red Army contends for league matches champion feebly nowadays. Look in him, League matches cupAndSufficient total cupIt is team gains the championship more real cause.
Ying Chao7 rounds afterwards, Graceful coupletAndGraceful cityWith 6 get the better of 1 smooth arrogant person military successes to lead a large number of heroes, Qieerxi5 get the better of 1 smooth 1 negative after accumulating difference of 16 split phase 3 minutes to tighten therewith, Button blocks Si ErlianRank with 15 minutes 4, liverpudlian 4 get the better of 1 make the same score 2 negative of short duration to list the 5th. Although be apart from head of a list of names posted up to have the 6 difference of cent only, revive Yaleisi has been maintained, oneself team carries off [url=]cheap nike shoes for sale[/url] very hard league matches champion.
Revive Yaleisi says, "We hope to stay in before Ying Chao 4, but it is difficult to win Yingchao champion to look special now. Why so difficult main reason depends on, yao cannot reach two Mancunian team and Qieerxi, but the champion that we can strive for a cup of contest. But the champion that we can strive for a cup of contest..
Go up sports season, in Rhea - of Hodgson guide below, liverpudlian can saying in the expression of cup contest is to be in a complete mess: Sufficient total cup the 3rd round be washed out by graceful couplet, league matches cup is the general that be installed by north of low level team is beaten unexpectedly suddenly more. And this sports season heretofore, the Red Army of assume leadership of assorted of the benefit that amount to case has been entered two rounds on league matches cup, beat respectivelyAikesaiteCity and cloth Lai pause.
This sports season up to now, revive Yaleisi is represented Liverpudlian played 9 formal games, contributed 5 goals. The Red Army is beaten early or late in league matches recentlyWolf teamAndAifudu, su Yalei Si Jun has a goal. UruguayPerson is wrapping around Red Army 7 battle gown, this divine number the vest in before this base the Red Army name such as ridge, Beardsley, Dagelishen is old.
Not Rhys discloses Guo Suya, at the outset he chooses 7 to because,be not these histories, "I join in Liverpudlian when the story that does not know 7 backside, because that is one of number of empty move,I choose 7 is only. Now, I knew the story of this number backside, I am very proud put on 7 battle gown, the heavy heavy burden that I should try not to feel this number is brought is carried. The heavy heavy burden that I should try not to feel this number is brought is carried..
Dagelishen enjoys extremely high prestige up and down in the Red Army nowadays, revive Yaleisi expresses, he is helping him blend in Anfeierde all the time to the king after the team, "Dagelishen tries to useSpainLanguage communicate with me, he helps me hard, this let me very appreciate. I am right of Ying Chao have deep love for the imagination that had exceeded me. "